Today I harvested 2 beds of Onions and was pretty impressed with the yield. Counted over 100 Onions! Think we will be having onion soup for the next few weeks! I can't possibly store that many Onions so I just tie in bundles and hang up around the veggie garden, doesn't matter if they get wet as they soon dry again and don't seem to go off.
Also thought I would show you another picture of my next bath of dog poo compost, it's going great looks nothing like it's former self but a rich compost with billions of worms coursing through it. I am still not game to go directly on the veggie bed although I desperately need something to add to the old now weeded Onion beds I will transfer it to another compost to break down over another 6 months.
We have been renovating our bathroom and have a super deep cast iron bath not the claw foot type but just as heavy, I would estimate the weight of it at 150 kgs as we had to move it about 20 metres up 3 steps to the position I wanted it in the garden. We had tried to sell but no luck and I decided I would rather give it a second life as a pond. It took 1 hour to move it 20 metres with the entire family helping. We then brought some river stones, washed and filled, I found a guy that sold water plants and managed to score 5 plants in 6-10 inch pots. Today I brought the fish and water conditioner so all up the project cost me about $70. Possibly going to cost me time in massaging Kens back for the next 6 months also! I am really happy with it, I will be popping some pots and strappy plants in front of it, can't directly put plants in the ground because there is a brick path under the bath.